Stuck CLOSED sockets / sshd / zombies...

Karl Pielorz kpielorz_lst at
Fri Apr 11 14:57:03 UTC 2014

--On 11 April 2014 17:15 +0300 Konstantin Belousov <kostikbel at> 

> So my suspicious idea seems to be true. From the ldd output, libc
> appears before libthr in the global order, so libc sigaction() symbol
> is resolved before libthr interposer. The result is that libthr wrapper
> thr_sighandler() for the signal handlers is not installed as the
> recepient of the kernel signal, which prevents libthr locks for rtld
> from working properly.

Ok, I can just about follow that ;)

> To confirm or deny my theory, please apply the patch below, in addition to
> the previous patch, and rebuild sshd only,
># cd src/secure/usr.sbin/sshd && make clean all install
> The patch tilts the order of initialization, for my build I got
> sandy% ldd /usr/sbin/sshd
> ...
> => /lib/ (0x802f0d000)
> => /lib/ (0x803123000)
> => /lib/ (0x803348000)
> => /usr/lib/private/ (0x8036d1000)
> => /lib/ (0x803926000)
> which could be enough to prevent the bug.
> Please retest and report.

Ok, patched the makefile - rebuilt / installed sshd restarted (which has 
the same initialisation order as yours above), it and ran the security scan 
against it.

*This does indeed seem to fix the problem*

The scan completes, and there are no stuck 'urdlck' sshd's - and no socket 
sitting around in CLOSE_WAIT or CLOSED - thanks! :)

I re-ran the scan a couple of times more to be sure, with the same result - 
no zombies or anything.

Is this situation likely to be repeated anywhere else on the system? Or is 
it likely just to be specific to sshd?

Many thanks again,


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