Stuck CLOSED sockets / sshd / zombies...

Karl Pielorz kpielorz_lst at
Wed Apr 9 14:30:46 UTC 2014

--On 09 April 2014 14:19 +0300 Konstantin Belousov <kostikbel at> 

> It is still mostly nonsensical, due to bad and missing debugging
> information.
> First, my patch seems to be buggy, I miscalculated the offsets of the
> saved registers.  Hopefully, improved version is at the end of the
> message. Also, I suspect that there is a mismatch between installed and
> built rtld.  Please do the clean build with DEBUG_FLAGS=-g and patch
> applied and install (again with DEBUG_FLAGS=-g).
> Second, the debugging information in your is partial.
> Could you, please rebuild it and install with DEBUG_FLAGS=-g from
> the clean state ?
> Also, please rebuild you pam installation with '-g'.
> After this is done, reproduce the issue and take the backtrace once more.
> Sorry, but the current backtrace is not useful.

Ok, I tried all the above - I now get a minimal backtrace :(

I have an identical 'clone' of this system (with the same issue) - is there 
something I can put in '/etc/make.conf' and rebuild the world [with your 
patch] with debug stuff enabled everywhere, on that clone?

It may be easier to rebuild with debug on everything, install it all, and 
reproduce the issue (knowing debug is on everywhere). I can do that leaving 
the other copy of this machine 'as-is'.

Also, if we're doing that is it worth turning off optimisation's? (If so, 


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