Complete online course in assembly language of Randall Hyde's is really course in assembly language?

Jorge Luis Carvalho Santos jorgeassembler1 at
Fri Apr 4 20:45:02 UTC 2014

Complete online course in assembly language of Randall Hyde's is really course in assembly language? 
Is written in FreeBSD Developers' Handbook:
"This chapter does not explain the basics of assembly language.There are enough resources about that (for a complete online course in assembly language, see Randall Hyde's Art of Assembly Language;"

The biggest gripe I have with this book is that it teaches “High Level Assembly”, essentially an entirely different language from assembly, built using assembly macros. It’s great maybe if you have no programming experience what so ever…although even then I don’t know why you would learn HLA instead of a real language.
Learning HLA instead of assembly is frustrating for learn the true Assembly. 


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