FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

Mike Meyer mwm at
Tue Nov 20 10:15:10 UTC 2012

Zach Leslie <xaque208 at> wrote:
>> l
>> I'm not fossil user, but it's BSD licensed in written in C.
>Also, this particular tool bails out on the unix philosophy, with its
>gui, ticket tracker etc.  Do one thing.  Do it well.

I would argue that git bails on that as well, but that's a different discussion.

Whether or not fossil does "one thing" depends on which "one thing" you pick.  If the one thing is "version control", you're right. However "version control" is just one aspect of a larger task that does't have a common name.  But if you look at systems designed for managing projects with source, you'll see they universally provide web uis, issue trackers, and wikis.  Due you trash IDE's because they provide tools that are useful for doing "software development" instead of limiting themselves to being "text editors"?

That fossil provides all of those things in a single relatively small program is a major win - at  least for small projects (which is the fossil target). On the other hand, the fossil project does stay focused on the core task. They will reject a change proposal because it's not part of that task.

That said, much as I like fossil (it's my goto VCS) I don't think it would be a good choice for FreeBSD. We're not a small project - we have people who are willing to devote time to things like an external wiki and isse tracker. Nuts, we have (had?) repos in four different VCSs! Those features in fossil are purposely kept simple since they're meant for doing one thing, not as general-purpose tools for lots of things. The issue tracker doesn't support branching issues, which is liable to cause problems in a large project.  The FreeBSD wiki's are used for lots of things other than just project documents. The web ui - well, that's probably useable as is. But that one thing isn't a deal maker.
Sent from my Android tablet with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my swyping.

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