Replacing rc(8) (Was: FreeBSD Boot Times)

Daniel Robbins drobbins at
Wed Jun 20 16:13:11 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 9:51 AM, Wojciech Puchar
<wojtek at> wrote:
> actually i am happy with current system, but maybe others.
> My most important ideas are:
> - any new system should not be more complex - ability to keep all flags and
> main config in single file (/etc/rc.conf) must persist. I don't want mess.
> And for sure not only me.
> - once again - the less files, the better.
> Some time ago i had to use linux (fortunately no longer needed). As i don't
> use it normally i just took debian installer that i remembered it WAS
> usable.
> After seeing the incredible complexity of /etc structure, not just rc
> scripts, i deleted most of it and put startup sequence in single file.
> It was plain horror.

I think our current system for OpenRC is pretty elegant. Initscripts
go in /etc/init.d. Runlevels are defined as directories in
/etc/runlevels. The default runlevel is /etc/runlevels/default.

To add a service to a runlevel, you type "rc-update add <service>

To start/stop all services according to runlevel, you type "rc".

To switch runlevels, you type "rc <runlevel>", like "rc mobile".

> yes i am. but that joke is clear suggestion that we have already tens of
> thousands better or worse made ports!

Well, if ports maintenance is the much bigger problem we can also look
at coordinating efforts there in the future.

> if you have idea how to improve existing rc.d AND make ports working as is
> then go on.

I think that if FreeBSD used OpenRC (maybe initially with a
compatibility layer for existing initscripts) then it would make it
easier for us all to transition to a  compatible ports format, since
we could use the same ports initscripts. Then, an nginx port could
contain an initscript that could work on both FreeBSD and
Gentoo/Funtoo Linux. This could definitely open up the possibility of
collaborating more easily in the future on ports maintenance.

But collaborating on ports is such a big topic, and initscript
compatibility is a relatively minor issue in the grand scheme of

Is the maintenance of ports a huge issue for FreeBSD, and would you be
interested in looking into working with Gentoo and Funtoo on sharing
build scripts?

> For me it is OK.

You know, I often wonder why so much effort in the Linux world is
spent on the first few seconds of a system's uptime. So I definitely
understand and appreciate that you are not ready to make reckless
changes to your boot process.

>From my perspective, the upstart/launchd/systemd/udev mess in Linux is
ugly, and we are promoting OpenRC as a sane alternative. So it helps
us to have other distributions and operating systems using it. Because
for Gentoo and Funtoo, OpenRC *is* our standard design, and we want to
promote something more "normal" than the other stuff coming from
Linux. It helps us to fight that battle when we have a broader base of

I think that is one of the motivations of reaching out to FreeBSD --
the Gentoo and Funtoo user-base is more aligned with the sensibilities
of FreeBSD than the other Linux distros moving to upstart/launchd,

I think that may be a major benefit of FreeBSD using OpenRC -- that
you will be treated as a respected and listened-to member of the
OpenRC community. I don't know if you have been following some of the
politics in Linux recently, but a lot of this service management stuff
has been almost shoved down our throats with the justification that
it's necessary for Linux dominating the desktop. (!)

Best Regards,


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