Training wheels for commandline (was Re: Pull in upstream before 9.1 code freeze?)

Pawel Jakub Dawidek pjd at
Sat Jul 7 10:59:57 UTC 2012

On Sat, Jul 07, 2012 at 11:25:07AM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> > something they probably don't even know about, than to skilled users to
> > turn it off.
> >
> > If this feature is going to prints quite a few extra lines, let's just
> > add one more line saying:
> >
> > 	To disable this message run: echo set 31337mode >> ~/.tcshrc
> >
> > -- 
> should i - from now, understand that this way of "extending" OS is 
> considered right (i mean going down to newbies instead of going up) by 
> FreeBSD developers?

Not exactly. The "from now" part is a bit misleading. This is not
starting now, we try hard to make FreeBSD easier to use, more consistent
and friendlier in general for a long time now.

In your terminology making FreeBSD easier for newcomers is "going
down" implies that "going up" is to make it harder for newcomer.
I hate to break it to you, but you are living upside down.

> Please answer it is important for me, and many other people for a future.

You should definiately pay more attention, as this is happening every day.

Everyone was newcomer once. I didn't succeed on my first attempt to
install FreeBSD, neither on the second attempt. It took me few tries to
do it right. I knew nothing about UNIX back then. I consider myself as
someone who improved FreeBSD a bit, but I could as easly gave up after
first two failed attempts to install it and move to something easier.
How many people gave up after first or second attempt and never looked

Pawel Jakub Dawidek             
FreeBSD committer               
Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!           
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