device_detach() on a device used by ixgbe driver (FreeBSD 7-STABLE through to 9-CURRENT)

John Baldwin jhb at
Mon May 23 14:32:22 UTC 2011

On Monday, May 23, 2011 10:13:41 am Philip Soeberg wrote:
> Hi fellow FreeBSD hackers,
> I've just completed designing a new driver for the Intels IXGBE suite of 
> network adapters, but is building my driver as a kernel module to be 
> loaded after system boot.
> The current sys/dev/ixgbe/ixgbe.c driver which attach to Intels adapters 
> return a zero in it's probe() function (which equals to 
> BUS_PROBE_SPECIFIC).. This has the distinct disadvantage that I cannot, 
> through my module, call a device_detach() on the devices I support, and 
> afterward expect being probed for them. A BUS_PROBE_SPECIFIC, according 
> to wording in sys/sys/bus.h, inform the OS that "Only I can use this 
> device".
> I assume this (transcanding from FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE through to FreeBSD 
> 9-CURRENT) is in error? I would expect sys/dev/ixgbe/ixgbe.c's probe() 
> function to return BUS_PROBE_DEFAULT, which is the "Base OS default 
> driver"..

Yes, that is true.

> If this is true, then we should probably also update 
> sys/kern/device_if.m's description of the probe() method as to reflect 
> the BUS_PROBE_* return values in a clearer way than is currently described.
> Do you want me to provide a patch? (it's really a one liner for ixgbe.c 
> and a couple of alterations to the device_if.m, if need be)

device_if.m was probably just never updated from when BUS_PROBE_* were added.  
Updating it would be a good thing.

> I would also expect the ixgbe.c driver to do a quick resource_disabled() 
> in it's attach() function, so that we can disable specific adapters 
> through kenv hint.ix.0.disabled=1..

That is not universally supported (i.e. it's not a part of new-bus 
specifically).  For buses that support hinted devices, they do all generally 
support being able to disable a hinted device, but disabling bus-enumerated 
devices is not generally supported.

> Given that I can't use device_detach() on a device hogged by the IXGBE 
> driver, can any one of you help me with a way around this problem? I 
> can't use the hints, and I can't detach() the device.. how can I get my 
> kernel module to attach the device?

I think ixgbe has to be fixed to use BUS_PROBE_DEFAULT.  Very few drivers 
should use '0' for their probe return value.

John Baldwin

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