[RELEASE] New Boot-Loader Menu -- version 1.5

Tom Evans tevans.uk at googlemail.com
Mon May 16 13:03:30 UTC 2011

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Andriy Gapon <avg at freebsd.org> wrote:
> on 16/05/2011 14:34 Tom Evans said the following:
>> I disagree entirely, the boot loader knows nothing of kernels
> Eh?  Maybe I misunderstand what you are saying, but:
> set kernel=kernel.old
> boot
> IMHO, it shows that you can tell the loader about kernels.
> Having a kernel-choice sub-menu would be convenient.

s/boot loader/boot manager/

My bad for the confusion.

The loader should definitely know about kernels; the boot manager,
which knows about BIOS bootable drives/partitions only, should not.



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