SO_SETFIB socket option

Naveen Gujje gujjenaveen at
Sat Feb 12 09:46:16 UTC 2011

Hi All,

On my FreeBSD 7.2 box, I've two routing tables (FIBs). Fib 0 and Fib 1
(net.fibs = 2).

I have a simple echo client which is the counterpart of an echo server
running somewhere.
If I run this echo client against fib 0 as 'setfib 0 ./echo-client', it
properly uses Fib 0.
But, if I run this echo client against Fib 0 by using setsockopt & SO_SETFIB
option, setsockopt fails with EINVAL.

setsockopt & SO_SETFIB for Fib 1 succeeds. But it fails for Fib 0.

By looking at the man page and /sys/kern/uipc_socket.c

Excerpt from setsockopt(2) man page:

"SO_SETFIB can be used to over-ride the default FIB (routing table) for
  the given socket.  The value must be from 0 to one less than the number
  returned from the sysctl net.fibs."

and this contrasts with the code in /sys/kern/uipc_socket.c

                case SO_SETFIB
<;im=bigexcerpts;i=error> =
sooptcopyin <;im=bigexcerpts;i=sooptcopyin>(sopt,
&optval, sizeof optval,
                                            sizeof optval);
                        if (optval < 1 || optval > rt_numfibs
<;im=bigexcerpts;i=error> =
EINVAL <;im=bigexcerpts;i=EINVAL>;
                                goto bad;

Where as both Fib 0 and Fib 1 work fine if I use setfib() call.

So, am confused if the code is incorrect or man page.

I want to run the echo-client process against Fib 1, but selectively change
it to Fib 0 for few connections.
So, is this possible with the current freebsd multiple routing table (MRT)?

Naveen G.

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