Another tool for updating /etc -- lua||other script language bikeshed

Robert Watson rwatson at
Fri Mar 26 08:45:11 UTC 2010

On Fri, 26 Mar 2010, perryh at wrote:

> Robert Watson <rwatson at> wrote:
>> ... web browsers [are] basically operating systems at this point ...
> Isn't this a bit of an exaggeration?  Not too many browsers have to deal 
> with process/thread scheduling, or device drivers, or booting, or file 
> system issues -- they rely on the OS for that (as does any other 
> application).

I think it's more of an anaology than an exageration.  The FreeBSD kernel, 
including device drivers and architectures, is around 3.9 million lines of 
code.  Google's Chromium, including WebKit, is around 4.1 million lines of 
code.  Both provide an extensive runtime environment for applications that run 
on top of them, security domains, storage services, and management models.

I'm not arguing that web browsers are a substitute for our current operating 
system layer: they clearly build on it.  However, in terms of their goals in 
providing an execution environment, user interface, etc, they fill a very 
similar niche by being a general-purpose platform for many specific things.

And, to get back to the point I was making: if you toast your Chromium update 
or get configuration management wrong, then your applications (Google Docs, 
GMail, ...) on ChromeOS won't work any more than if you toasted your /lib or 
/etc in FreeBSD.  For example, if the Chromium configuration files change and 
it forgets about web proxies, Chromium won't be able to call home to pick up a 
fix any more than if etcmerge toasts resolv.conf.

Making updates easy is, to a large extent, about avoiding the creation of 
foot-shooting opportunities.  Some of it is about tools (binary updates, 
mergers, rollbac, etc), but most of it is about avoiding scenarios in which a 
previously valid configuration becomes invalid.  And if we look at problems 
FreeBSD has had with updates in a past, a lot come down to precisely that: for 
example, renaming serial port device names (several times in as many years).


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