southbridge recognition

volker at volker at
Tue Mar 9 21:36:19 UTC 2010


For some driver enhancements, I need to decide (by code) which
southbridge (Intel, AMD is all that matters) the driver is facing.

What's the best (portable wise) way to distinguish the chipset?

Intel supports two pages of 128 byte CMOS RAM, AMD supports 1 page of
256 byte (addressing is different).

Is there any way to query the CMOS RAM size? I failed to find a way
while reading Intel & AMD chipset documentation. Older chipsets
supported only 64 (very old) or 128 byte. Recent (as of for the last 15
years or so) chipsets supports more.

As our current nvram(4) driver only works with 128 byte RAM size, is
anybody interested in seeing the nvram(4) driver enhanced for extended
memory areas? I do have working code but that assumes an Intel ICH or
440LX chipset (fails for SB{67]xx for some reason :).

Thank you for any pointers!


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