Automated kernel crash reporting system

jhell jhell at
Thu Mar 4 13:09:27 UTC 2010

On Thu, 4 Mar 2010 07:09, dan.naumov@ wrote:
> Hello
> I noticed the following on the FreeBSD website:
> Has
> there been any progress/work done on the automated kernel crash
> reporting system? The current ways of enabling and gathering the
> information required by developers for investigating panics and
> similar issues are unintuitive and user-hostile to say the least and
> anything to automate the process would be a very welcome addition.
> - Sincerely,
> Dan Naumov

Hi Dan,

I am assuming that the output of crashinfo_enable="YES" is not what you 
are talking about is it ? are you aware of it ?

The info contained in the crashinfo.txt.N is pretty informative for 
developers, maybe your talking about another way of submitting it ?




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