Alex RAY ray at
Tue Mar 2 21:58:26 UTC 2010

On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 20:32:20 +0100
Dimitry Andric <dimitry at> wrote:

> On 2010-03-02 09:47, Alexandr Rybalko wrote:
> >>> Definiatelly separately, not sure where. There is ongoing discussion
> >>> somwhere on importing this algorithm to the base for tar(1) to use, it
> >>> would be best to have only one copy of code in the tree.
> > I have already said, that it would be good for embedded platforms have only one copy of the code for the kernel and userland.
> > It is not thought of how done it.
> I think Pawel means the *source* code in this case, not the executable
> code.  E.g. lzma source should most likely go under /usr/src/contrib,
> and be built separately for kernel and userland.

I understand. 
I'm trying to think about the future of FreeBSD in embedded. :)

Alexandr Rybalko <ray at>
aka Alex RAY <ray at>

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