[PATCH] fts(3): allow FTS_LOGICAL without FTS_NOCHDIR

Jilles Tjoelker jilles at stack.nl
Fri Jan 1 21:25:36 UTC 2010

fts(3) currently automatically enables FTS_NOCHDIR if FTS_LOGICAL (-L in
various utilities) is used, according to a comment because symlinks are
too hard. However, the effect of fts_instr=FTS_FOLLOW seems quite
similar to FTS_LOGICAL in chdir mode. Using one more bit in fts_flags, I
made FTS_LOGICAL work with chdir.

This has several advantages:
* it runs faster
* it eliminates the PATH_MAX restriction on deep directory trees
* find -L ... -type l -delete can be made to work without ugliness
  (although it is of course still insecure if run over directory trees
  where untrusted users have write access)

Question: why are the values for fts_flags in the public header file
fts.h, even though they are supposedly private?

In case the mailing list eats the patch, it is also available here:

Jilles Tjoelker
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