about building the crosstools

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Thu May 21 22:30:55 UTC 2009

In message: <4A15D288.3060008 at telenix.org>
            Chuck Robey <chuckr at telenix.org> writes:
: I got instructions from Warner about how to build my crosstools (the FreeBSD
: ones) and after a minor startup contretemps, things began to work better.  My
: problem is that on doing the linking step, I'm getting a complaint that it can't
: figure out how to build the  /usr/cross/usr/lib/libc.a (/usr/cross being my
: toolls destdir).  I don't know how to fix this in the build, so I'd appreciate
: any hints.  I mean, it *seems* to me that these tools are meant to run on my
: current host (i386), not the target (arm) so it really should already know about
: my /usr/lib/libc.a (or shared version)) right?

You may have some contamination.  The xdev targets doesn't use
/usr/cross at all.  I'd blow that away entirely and try again.


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