Jails, loopback interfaces and sendmail

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at lists.zabbadoz.net
Thu Jun 4 22:25:08 UTC 2009

On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Gregory Shapiro wrote:

>> If programmers assume is hte one and only loopback it's
>> because of two things - 1) this has been done in the very old days
>> where people updated the hosts file with uucp to know all hosts in the
>> nwetwork and was never updated.  or 2) they are clueless or lazy.
> To avoid being labeled clueless or lazy, I'll offer a third option.

For sendmail I had much rather thought about option 1) and absolutely
not about option 2) as if you have ever known what S5 was and could no
longer read your $ sign and 4 on the keyb you know that sendmail
people are not lazy or clueless!  Back to the OI problem:

> 8.12.7/8.12.7   2002/12/29

yes, that's not from stone age:(

It's quite said, that systems not being able to poperly resolve
hostnames are doing emails these days.

Anyway, yeah, it's good that it's only config files; nethertheless I
don't like it as you probably do not either.   Have you ever thought
about having those files changed just for FreeBSD?  Or had there been
porblems on FreeBSD systems with localhost as well?

Has it been a special time with localhost and IPv6 that casued
problems as 2002 has been rather late in terms of sendmail and resolver
etc.  What had started to cause those problems?


Bjoern A. Zeeb                      The greatest risk is not taking one.

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