Why does adding /usr/lib32 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH break 64-bit binaries?

Alexander Sack pisymbol at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 17:10:54 UTC 2008

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Alexander Kabaev <kabaev at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Oct 2008 08:49:19 -0400
> "Alexander Sack" <pisymbol at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is this a bug or not in FreeBSD's rtld?
>> -aps
> It is not. In case it was not clear before, I maintain that you _ask_
> rtld for wrong behaviour and you get back what you asked for, down to
> the letter. 'Tasting' libraries just because someone somewhere want to
> screw up their configuration does not seem right to me at all.

I maintain that rtld should not load 32-bit libraries for a 64-bit
binary. That is WRONG anyway you look at it.  And again, if it checked
the arch type and skipped libutil.so.5 in /usr/lib32 it would fall
back to checking /lib and things would work.  Moreover, if /usr/lib
had major number links just like /usr/lib32 has, this would again have
worked without issue.

I believe this will be fixed on the other side of the fence (not
setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /usr/lib32 to begin wtih) but
still, my point still stands.


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