Why does adding /usr/lib32 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH break 64-bit binaries?

Alexander Sack pisymbol at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 12:49:20 UTC 2008

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 7:28 PM, Daniel O'Connor <doconnor at gsoft.com.au> wrote:
> On Friday 24 October 2008 23:20:59 Peter Jeremy wrote:
>> >this will make system trying to bind 32-bit libs to 64-bit program. it
>> >can't work
>> rtld shouldn't attempt to bind 32-bit libs to 64-bit programs.
> The same problem happens with the Linux run time linker - it merrily tries to
> link FreeBSD libraries to Linux binaries with predictable results..
> One trick I use for that is to put a symlink in /compat/linux in the place the
> problematic FreeBSD library is..
> That said it would be really nice if it ignored incompatible libraries :)

Yea.  Also you go tot realize that if it didn't pick up /usr/lib32
shared objects then /lib would be searched as a last resort I believe
since its the default path.  As a result, things again would have just

Is this a bug or not in FreeBSD's rtld?


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