continuous backup solution for FreeBSD

George Hartzell hartzell at
Mon Oct 6 23:57:16 UTC 2008

Mike Meyer writes:
 > On Mon, 6 Oct 2008 14:24:32 -0700
 > George Hartzell <hartzell at> wrote:
 > > There were a couple of threads about using kqueue or other FreeBSD
 > > tools to build something like Mac OS X's Time Machine.  R1soft's
 > > software sounds very similar.
 > Time machine doesn't do continuous backups, it does them once an hour
 > or so. People have built similar systems on top of rsync; I did it on
 > top of zfs (turned out to be to fragile, though). You then just need a
 > spiffy GUI for wondering through the backups.

On the other hand Time Machine does take advantage of a kernel based
mechanism that watches file activity and does its best to take
advantage of that information to avoid scanning the filesystem when it
does a backup.

That's the context of the message thread that I pointed to (again, for

The thread seemed relevant given the context of backup systems that
watch filesystem io.


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