RTL8168/8111 PCI express support

Fernando Apesteguía fernando.apesteguia at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 21:33:55 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I sent this mail to freebsd-questions but I got no answer. I hope you
can help me.

I got a computer with an RTL8168/8111 PCI Express NIC. It is shown in
pciconf but it is not seen by FreeBSD 7. I'm using i386 arch.

I have re and rl drivers compiled in the kernel (stock GENERIC kernel,

What do I need to make the NIC work properly?
I tried to compile the Realtek's modified driver but I got a bunch of
errors when I tried to compile it (tested up to FreeBSD 6.0 only, they say)

Does this[1] anything to do with my problem?

Thanks in advance.


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