Glaring 64 bit omission

Mike Meyer mwm at
Wed Jul 9 18:32:12 UTC 2008

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 13:50:17 -0400 "Zaphod Beeblebrox" <zbeeble at> wrote:
> I did mention in my introduction that I was aware of this history (including
> that web page).  I brought this up again because it hadn't seen daylight in
> quite some time.  The Wiki page seems to say that it was updated about a
> month ago.  Without figuring how to pull the wiki's version history, I don't
> see significant change.  Of note, the last conversation the wiki references
> is 8 months old.

Um, how do you figure last conversation with wiki references is 8
months old? It got brought up in a converation on -hackers just last

And was the starting point for a conversation on -chat last month as

> In particular, none of these activities seem to pop up in the regular
> FreeBSD Project status reports.

None of them are important enough to warrant it.


Mike Meyer <mwm at>
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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