Sysinstall is still inadequate after all of these years

Rainer Duffner rainer at
Thu Jul 3 15:50:19 UTC 2008

Lothar Braun schrieb:
> Robert Watson wrote:
>> My primary concern about some of these replacement installer projects 
>> is that they've placed a strong focus on making them graphical -- I 
>> actually couldn't care less about GUIs (and I think they actually 
>> hurt my configurations, since I use serial consoles a lot), but what 
>> I do want is a very tight and efficient install process, which I feel 
>> sysinstall does badly on (not just for the reasons you specify).
> Hmm, how should a tight and efficient installation process look like 
> in your opinion? And what are the other points that are bad in 
> systinstall?

Mass-installation via PXE-booting is a mess (how can you have to pack 
the install.cfg file into the mfsroot diskimage???).

Take a look at kickstart+cobbler from RedHat for a system with some 
thought behind this process.

I don't care the least about GUI or not GUI. I'd like to to able to 
deploy them as seamlessly as the CentOS/RHEL boxes.


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