Yarrow's Counter

RW fbsd06 at mlists.homeunix.com
Sat Apr 19 17:18:40 UTC 2008

The random number generator in FreeBSD's Yarrow implementation uses
AES256 in counter mode. When a reseed occurs the generator is
reinitialised like this:

 - generate a new cypher-key from the pool[s] and the old key
 - zero the counter
 - encrypt the (zeroed) counter with the new key

My question is: why zero the counter?

If it's not zeroed then the old counter is encrypted instead, and after
a few reseeds the counter will accumulate an independent 256 bits of
entropy, rather than being a function of the new key. 

Should I submit a patch, it's simply a matter of deleting two
lines in reseed() in sys/dev/random/yarrow.c. 

   yarrow_hash_finish(&context, temp);
   yarrow_encrypt_init(&random_state.key, temp);

   /* 4. Recompute the counter */

   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)                  <---
           random_state.counter[i] = 0;     <--- 

   yarrow_encrypt(&random_state.key, random_state.counter, temp);
   memcpy(random_state.counter, temp, sizeof(random_state.counter));

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