A few questions...

Daniel Molina Wegener dmw at unete.cl
Tue Jul 24 01:20:20 UTC 2007


   I need information about few things, I hope someone can help
me and thanks in advance.

a) Is there any function or variable that tells me which is the
   root user UID in the system, or root always have 0 and it's
   an "elegant" option to compare the variables or structure
   members against zero.
b) Can normal users look for system processes or kernel threads?
c) Can root look for system processes or kernel threads?

 .O. | Daniel Molina Wegener   | C/C++ Developer
 ..O | dmw [at] unete [dot] cl | FOSS Coding Adict
 OOO | FreeBSD & Linux User    | Standards Rocks!

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