kern/99979: Get Ready for Kernel Module in C++

Only OpenSource onlyopensource at
Thu Jul 20 14:30:42 UTC 2006

On 7/20/06, pfgshield-freebsd at <pfgshield-freebsd at> wrote:
> I went on to check that Embedded C++ that David Nugent mentioned, and I found
> this:
> Acording to the Q&A section:
> "The goal of EC++ is to provide embedded systems programmers with a subset of
> C++ that is easy for the average C programmer to understand and use. The subset
> should offer upward compatibility with ISO/ANSI Standard C++ and retain the
> major advantages of C++.
> To achieve the goal, several guidelines were established for creating the
> subset such as avoiding excessive memory consumption (overhead) and removing
> complex features." ...
> And also FWIW, I wouldn't object to having support for other languages
> (Objective C ? ), if someone has/finds modules that could use the features.
> cheers,
>     Pedro.


How about thinking ahead in time ? say 10 years ahead ?

May be driver code would be as simple as scripting or even written in XML !

The schema is standardized (ie. interface) and translator tools do the rest.

What is the point of replacing a 25 yr technology with a 20 year old
technology ?
If you really want to be a pioneer think 10 years ahead in time !


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