[SoC]: question about execve()

Divacky Roman xdivac02 at stud.fit.vutbr.cz
Thu Jul 13 16:12:50 UTC 2006


durin my work on SoC I happened to be in a need of "catching" the transition of
execve() from fbsd binary to linux binary and back.

Kostik Belousov suggested using the process_exit handler event but it doesnt
contain information necessary to distinguish such a switch. He proposes

	typedef void (*execlist_fn)(void *, struct proc *);

with a 3rd param "struct image_params" and extending this structure with a
brand info. That would let us see such brand switches by investigating p->p_sysent and 

is this ok? or is there any better solution?

thnx for answer



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