Very slow writing to SATA disk

ray at ray at
Fri Oct 28 02:55:28 PDT 2005

At 07:48 PM 10/28/2005 +1000, Peter Jeremy wrote:
| On Fri, 2005-Oct-28 01:18:03 -0400, Mikhail T. wrote:
| >I've got a new Hitachi drive with 16Mb of cache:
| >
| >	ad8: 476940MB <HDS725050KLA360 K2AOA11A> at ata4-master SATA150
| >
| >and am trying to use it to store backups online. Unfortunately, writing
| >to the disk is painfully slow (by today's standards) -- it can barely
| >keep 7Mb/second and my other (SCSI) disks run circles around it.
| If this drive doesn't support tagged-queueing, is the write cache
| disabled?  I get that sort of performance from a (PATA) disk with
| the cache disabled (hw.ata.wc="0" in loader.conf)
| >According to smartctl, the drive runs at 56C during the copying. Its
| >idle temperature seems to be 54C.
| I'd double-check that (eg with a finger).  If the drive really is
| running at 56°C, it won't last very long.
| -- 
| Peter Jeremy

I just checked the temp on my workstation for comparison.  It's running two SATA
drives (74GB Raptors) and the temp on those drives is 30C/86F.  Like Peter says,
at 133F, I don't think they would last very long, not to mention you'd probably
smell something hot/burning.



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