ufsstat - testers / feedback wanted!

Eric Anderson anderson at centtech.com
Tue Oct 11 11:03:53 PDT 2005

I've just finished the first version of ufsstat, a tool to show local 
filesystem statistics much like nfsstat does for NFS.  The patch and 
tool is against 6.0, but it will probably apply and work fine under 
-CURRENT and possibly 5.x as well.

I'm looking for bug reports, comments/suggestions on style(9), and 
anything else, since this is my first C project, and of course first 
real FreeBSD contribution. :)

To use it, do this:
cd /tmp
fetch http://www.googlebit.com/software/ufsstat/ufsstat-20051011.tar.gz
cd /usr
tar xvzf /tmp/ufsstat-20051011.tar.gz
patch <./ufsstats.patch

to your kernel.

Rebuild and install world/kernel.

Now, you can use ufsstat to show you statistics from your local 
filesystems, like this:

# ufsstat
    Create    Remove      Link   Symlink     Mkdir     Rmdir    Rename
    289048    794043      4361     12558     25796    117739         0
   GetAttr   SetAttr      Open     Close   ReadDir  ReadLink     VInit
  64868230    759824  10701553   9891642   5042948         0  45315645
     Chmod     Chown  Whiteout  Strategy    Access     Mknod  NewInode
    409782     79612         0   4020035         0         3         0
     Fsync SyncVnode LockVnode   RdVnode   WrVNode
         0         0         0         0         0
   ExtRead  Extwrite FndExtAtt RdExtAttr OpnExtAtt ClseExtAt ExtStrtgy
         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

or watch over time with the -w switch.

I have not done any performance testing yet to see if it impacts 
filesystem performance by any measurable amount, so if someone does do 
this testing before I do, please post your results!

Thanks in advance!

Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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