Looking for ANSI/VT100 code replacement.

alexander arundel at h3c.de
Sat May 21 14:58:11 GMT 2005

On Sat May 21 05, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> I think you need to give us more details and preferably some sample code
> to simulate the problem.  What is the hardware you are running on?  What
> version of FreeBSD, X11 and xterm/Eterm.
> -- 
> Peter Jeremy

Here's the code that is using the VT100 stuff:


%define stdout 1

MainDataSend	db	0Ah,"Sending main data..."
MaxUnits	db	0
		dd	0
MainDataSlash	db	"/"
CurrentUnit	db	"0"
		dd	"0000"
lMainDataSend	equ	$-MainDataSend
lCurrentUnit	equ	$-CurrentUnit

updateMainUnit	db	27,91,53,68,27,91,75
lupdateMainUnit	equ	$-updateMainUnit


mov [MaxUnits+1], dword ebx
mov [MaxUnits], byte bl

        push dword lMainDataSend
        push dword MainDataSend
        push dword stdout
        mov eax, 4
        call _syscall
        add esp, byte 12


        push dword lupdateMainUnit
        push dword updateMainUnit
        push dword stdout
        mov eax, 4
        call _syscall
        add esp, byte 12


mov [CurrentUnit+1], dword ebx
mov [CurrentUnit], byte bl


        push dword lCurrentUnit
        push dword CurrentUnit
        push dword stdout
        mov eax, 4
        call _syscall
        add esp, byte 12


The Problem is defenately not the speed of my system: 1.3 Ghz && 512 MB !!!

If you want to have a look at the entire sourcecode please visit my blog at

I also took 2 videos with my digicam that show you how stdout behaves under
the console and using Eterm. The files are encoded with XVID (no sound):



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