Looking for ANSI/VT100 code replacement.

Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Fri May 20 23:08:47 GMT 2005

In the last episode (May 21), alexander said:
> I'd like to port an application that was written in x86 assembly for
> Linux. So far all I had to do is change the Linux calling convention
> (registers) to Posix style (stack).
> However at one point this application outputs 5 characters to stdout
> (using syscall write and fd=1). These 5 characters however are then
> being deleted and overwritten again. The application uses VT100 codes
> to do this.
> First it moves the cursor to the left 5 times then it deletes
> everything from the end of the line to the current cursor position.
> However this slows down the whole application. That's why I'd like to
> replace that code with something faster.

How often are you doing this?  I wrote a quick microbenchmark and my
pIII-900 box can do 80000 writes() per second of "\e[5D\e[Kabcde".  I
don't think that's your bottleneck.  If it is, the usual solution is to
not do a write on every iteration.  You've got a (maximum) 100hz screen
refresh rate anyhow, so doing more than 100 updates per second won't do
you any good.  Even 10 is probably more than you need.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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