Porting on FreeBSD 53

Hervé Kergourlay herve.kergourlay at atempo.com
Thu May 12 00:37:19 PDT 2005

we are porting our product on FreeBSD 5.3

it's a backup product which is still running on FreeBSD 4.0

here's a list of questions after checking the documentation

1) PAM

it's working, the only problem is with the null password users, the 
answer is allways NO. the nullok doesn't seem active
here is my PAM file
auth     required  /usr/lib/pam_unix.so nullok
account  required  /usr/lib/pam_unix.so nullok

2) ACLs

I'm using the API acl_get_file and family with success with 
ACL_TYPE_ACCESS defined in /usr/include/sys/acl.h

#define ACL_TYPE_ACCESS         0x00000000
#define ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT        0x00000001
#define ACL_TYPE_AFS            0x00000002
#define ACL_TYPE_CODA           0x00000003
#define ACL_TYPE_NTFS           0x00000004
#define ACL_TYPE_NWFS           0x00000005

but what about the other defines, specially ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT, are there 
used. I didn't find who in the documentation

3) Extended attributes

are Acls part of these attributes or not ?
do we have to backup theses attributes with the Acls ?

4) wait() API

2 problems, the first is a ECHILD error on a wait call after a fork fork
The code is generic for most of unix system. Is there any specific 
problems to manage the fork and wait APIs ?
the second problem with calls is a blocking wait() call in the same 
condition but this time the son process is finished but the wait call in 
the father stays blocked, again it's a generic Unix code

If there is no evidence, ask me for more informations

5) where are generated the core files ?

I change the kernel with the following command
sysctl kern.corefile="/cores/%U/%P%N.core"

6) 2 last questions :-)

what about files more than 4GB, do I need to use specific APIs as 
open64, stat64 or the current open and stat API are managing the big file ?
I'm searching information on the implementation of Unicode (utf8?) in 
our file systems, UFS1, UFS2, ext2fs

thanks by advanced for all

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