prioritizing small ip packets?

Jeremie Le Hen jeremie at
Mon Jun 13 21:32:14 GMT 2005

Hi Devon, hi Baldur,

(this thread would better seat on -net@, IMO)

> >>So, i haven't found a way to make this happen, i googled
> >>for it but didn't find anything. Does PF or IPFW have this
> >>feature?
> I'm not sure the rationale is appropriate, though. You should be more 
> worried about prioritizing ACKs if this is an asynchronous low-speed 
> connection.

This is true, prioritizing ACKs is very useful when you want to download
with full speed while uploading.  But I tend to agree with Baldur's idea
too : I give HTTP and DNS requests as well as interactive SSH session
(TOS field set to "low delay") a heavy weight in order to have them
practically unaffected by a big mail delivery or a scp.

Jeremie Le Hen
< jeremie at le-hen dot org >< ttz at chchile dot org >

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