Assembly Syscall Question

Ruslan Ermilov ru at
Thu Jul 31 21:44:17 PDT 2003

On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 04:12:27PM -0400, Ryan Sommers wrote:
> When making a system call to the kernel why is it necessary to push the 
> syscall value onto the stack when you don't call another function? 
> Example: 
> access.the.bsd.kernel:
> int 80h
> ret 
> func:
> mov eax, 4    ; Write
> call access.the.bsd.kernel
> ; End 
> Works. However:
> func:
> mov eax, 4    ; Write
> int 80h
> ; End 
> Doesn't. 
This is because in a C library, all system calls are wrapped into
C functions, so the stack looks like this when in the syscall
code in libc:

	return address to a program
	syscall args

So the kernel knows how to account for a return address to access
actual arguments.

So when calling the kernel directly (not through a C library
wrapper function), we need to align the stack to fake the kernel
we're calling it from the syscall code in libc.

Ruslan Ermilov		Sysadmin and DBA,
ru at		Sunbay Software Ltd,
ru at		FreeBSD committer
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