Build of "telepathy-glib" fails

Andre Goree andre at
Wed Dec 3 19:26:02 UTC 2014

On 12/03/2014 2:23 pm, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> Andre Goree <andre at> writes:
>> FWIW, I've also seen this.  Like someone else mentioned, I think it
>> has to do with the vala install, which I haven't been able to update
>> either because according to /usr/ports/UPDATING I need to install
>> gnome3 to update it, which I find to be ludicrous.
> You are misunderstanding the instructions.
> If you aren't using Gnome, it's quite possible that nothing on your
> system depends on vala, so the "users of vala" description wouldn't
> apply to you. Assuming that it is in fact a leaf node, updating (or
> removing) it is fine and doesn't even require any special instructions.
> telepathy-glib has a runtime dependency on vala, but you'll probably
> still be fine doing a normal upgrade of both.


root at daemon2 ~ # pkg remove vala
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 9 packages (of 0 
packages in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
         vala-vapigen-0.20.1_1 (depends on vala-0.20.1_1)
         telepathy-glib-0.20.2_1 (depends on vala-0.20.1_1)
         telepathy-farsight-0.0.19_2 (depends on vala-0.20.1_1)
         telepathy-qt4-0.9.3_1 (depends on vala-0.20.1_1)
         krfb-4.14.2 (depends on vala-0.20.1_1)
         kdenetwork-4.14.2 (depends on vala-0.20.1_1)
         kde-4.14.2 (depends on vala-0.20.1_1)
         krdc-4.14.2 (depends on vala-0.20.1_1)

and even:

root at daemon2 ~ # pkg remove vala-vapigen-0.20.1_1
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 8 packages (of 0 
packages in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
         telepathy-glib-0.20.2_1 (depends on vala-vapigen-0.20.1_1)
         telepathy-farsight-0.0.19_2 (depends on vala-vapigen-0.20.1_1)
         telepathy-qt4-0.9.3_1 (depends on vala-vapigen-0.20.1_1)
         krfb-4.14.2 (depends on vala-vapigen-0.20.1_1)
         kdenetwork-4.14.2 (depends on vala-vapigen-0.20.1_1)
         kde-4.14.2 (depends on vala-vapigen-0.20.1_1)
         krdc-4.14.2 (depends on vala-vapigen-0.20.1_1)

I do indeed use kde4 on this box.

Andre Goree
Email     - andre at
Website   -
PGP key   -

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