WANT_GNOME Causes Automatic Dependencies

A.J. Kehoe IV (Nanoman) nanoman at nanoman.ca
Fri Aug 31 18:30:03 UTC 2012

Jeremy Messenger wrote:
>On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 10:20 PM, A.J. Kehoe IV (Nanoman)
><nanoman at nanoman.ca> wrote:
>> Does anyone maintain a dependencies map for GNOME?
>Not that I know of. Speaking of dependencies... Since the GNOME 2 is
>dead already. I think it's good time for us to remove the GNOME 2
>dependencies option in some of ports. For example, editors/vim has
>GNOME2 option so remove that part.

Sounds good to me!  My knowledge of MATE is very limited, so I'm not sure what can be removed outright versus what needs a replacement.  Let's consider these six consecutive lines from editors/vim/Makefile:

1. '.  elif defined(WITH_GNOME2)'.  This would have to be converted to OPTIONSng, and I'm guessing the idea is to replace "GNOME2" with "MATE".

2. 'USE_GNOME= libgnomeui'.  I don't know if there's a libgnomeui equivalent in MATE.

3. 'PKGNAMESUFFIX= -gnome2'.  This can go.  It's my understanding that this package naming convention is being phased out.

4. 'MAKE_ARGS+= CONF_OPT_GUI="--enable-gui=gnome2" ${I18N}'.  Does "gnome2" get changed to "mate"?  I don't use Vim, so I don't know, but it's easy enough for me to check.

5. 'MAKE_ARGS+= X_LIBS="$(X_LIBS) -lXt"'.  I'm guessing that this will have to stay.

6. 'USE_XORG+= xt glproto'.  I'm guessing that this will have to stay too.


>> I'm not opposed to writing patches that will make the WANT_GNOME ports
>> declare their dependencies predictably.  There are approximately 183 ports
>> using WANT_GNOME, so writing these patches is going to take me several days,
>> followed by weeks of waiting for maintainer updates.  I might be able to get
>> through this faster by asking the maintainers to assist me, but I expect to
>> have to do most on my own.


>Who said that you have to do it alone? :-) If you want to do it as
>soon as possible. You can gather a team to hunt down those ports then
>give a big patch to portmgr to do the test in pointyhat-exp. When
>everything is perfect then commit it into ports tree with portmgr's
>approval without need to ask each maintainers. You have my support and
>approval to mess around with gnome@ ports. Show portmgr about this
>email threads.
>If you can wait then I (and maybe kwm) will be able to help you with
>it. We have enough stuff on our plates right now by trying to push
>GNOME 3 into ports tree after the 9.1 released.

I don't mind waiting a bit longer, but I'd like to end 2012 feeling blissfully free of the scourge of automatic dependencies.

>FreeBSD GNOME Team only have two active people, kwm and me, that are
>maintaining about over 460 ports (plus GNOME 3 and MATE ports that are
>yet to commit). We need new blood to join gnome at .

Is there a central place for tracking all of the FreeBSD GNOME/MATE projects and to-do lists?  I assumed this would be in the FreeBSD Wiki, but the GNOME page looks a little outdated, and I don't see a page for MATE.


I would indeed like to gather a team to weed out WANT_GNOME and the automatic dependencies this causes.  To do this effectively, I'd need something like the FreeBSD Wiki to track these issues.  Included here would be details of GNOME 3's import, MATE's import, and GNOME 2's decommission, which we would need to ensure forward compatibility.

I don't have write access to the FreeBSD Wiki.  Assuming that this is what we'd use, before I can edit the GNOME/MATE/whatever page, you'll have to grant me this privilege.  "AJKehoe" is my username.


A.J. Kehoe IV (Nanoman)     |  /"\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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