Updating: gnome-schedule

Ruslan Mahmatkhanov cvs-src at yandex.ru
Sat Oct 1 05:39:42 UTC 2011

Jerry wrote on 24.09.2011 23:46:
> I was wondering if there are any plans to update
> "sysutils/gnome-schedule"? The port version is: "2.1.1", released on
> 2009-09-11. The latest version is: gnome-schedule-2.1.5 released on
> 2011-09-03. In any event, there have been several versions released
> prior to this latest one.

Ok, i'm finally tested 2.1.1 and it suffers the same problem: one-time 
tasks created and executed successfully, but you will never see them in 
gnome-schedule's task list, because of differences in output format of 
Linux atq and FreeBSD atq:

1	2011-09-30 23:50 a root
2	2011-09-30 23:50 a root

Date				Owner		Queue	Job#
Fri Sep 30 23:40:00 MSK 2011	rm              c	2

I also checked the code, and making it work with our atq is not that 
trivial as fixing regex, so all i can do it's a filling upstream bug 
report: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=660590

So i submitted this pr, that updates it to version 2.1.5:

[My engrish in post-install's message obviously should be fixed]


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