firefox3 port missing firefox-config or firefox3-config

Matthew Donovan kitche at
Mon Jul 21 19:46:23 UTC 2008

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 11:25:52PM -0500, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 12:06:02 -0500, Naram Qashat <cyberbotx at>  
> wrote:
> >I was trying to modify the VLC port to enable the Firefox plugin, but  
> >when I added firefox3 to the list of USE_GECKO and tried to build the  
> >port, it complained saying it couldn't find firefox3-config.  I checked  
> >my system, and there is no firefox3-config, but back when I had firefox2  
> >installed, there was a firefox-config on my system.  I couldn't find  
> >where in to add firefox3-config to the plist or where in  
> >firefox3's Makefile it would need to be added.  Any advice on the matter  
> >would be helpful.
> Because Firefox 3 does not install this file and *.pc (pkg-config files)  
> anymore. Everytime when I have tried to search for answer and reason why  
> they changed it. I end up hit the wall. Perhaps, they asked in the wrong  
> place. Also it's hard to find a good keyword to search in google (Mozilla  
> is using google search for their website/newsgroups). If you can find it,  
> I would love to know about it. Everything what jong357 (forum user) knows  
> are same what I know in our search, but he has pointed that there is  
> answer in mailing list that I can't find.
> I have told my team about that somehow I think that Mozilla developers  
> want us to start to use xulrunner for SDK/build stuff rather than on  
> Firefox, Seamonkey and etc. I think that xulrunner 1.9 does install *.pc  
> files and probably xulrunner-config too.
> --
> While I am here, our firefox3 port still need some improvements such as  
> don't use lib/browser_plugins anymore, because firefox3 can't use firefox2  
> plugins or it crashes. I am thinking about maybe use  
> www/linux-mplayer-plugin/Makefile.npapi. Then create new directories like  
> lib/npapi/symlinks/gecko18 and lib/npapi/symlinks/lib/gecko19. Other more  
> improvements like clean up in and gecko ports.
> I am slowing and lacking motivative, because I dislike any Mozilla  
> products and my box is slow for build/install test. I am being patient to  
> work with these, so I would love someone (that actually like Mozilla  
> product and have motivative) to jump in and take over. ;-)
> Cheers,
> Mezz
> >Thanks,
> >Naram Qashat
> -- 
> mezz7 at  -  mezz at
> FreeBSD GNOME Team
>  -  gnome at

Yes Mozilla uses xulrunner-config now and it does some odd stuff compared to what firefox2 used for plugins and such since everything goes in xulrunner now for plugins instead of the old directory

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