xulrunner doesn't?

Greg Minshall minshall at acm.org
Wed Nov 7 10:40:42 PST 2007


thanks for the reply.  i re-installed the xulrunner package, and it seems 
happier, though still full of run time errors (that a later version might fix).

i am running conkeror, an emacs-y web browser.  it used to be a firefox 
extension, but the current work is as an xulrunner application.

would it be useful for me to try to create a port of the new version of 
xulrunner (, i believe)?  it seems like there is activity going to move 
towards a 1.9 release, but i'm not really connected.

("they" don't seem to have released a tarball of, so one needs to pull 
it from CVS, using a label; would a port pull from CVS, or would one do that 
manually, create a tarball, and store that tarball at some well known 

Greg Minshall

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