screen lock and gtk theme switch

Andriy Gapon avg at
Mon Mar 26 17:20:04 UTC 2007

on 26/03/2007 20:12 Jeremy Messenger said the following:
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 09:38:27 -0500, Andriy Gapon <avg at> wrote:
> See here:
> ====================================
> * If a program produces a core dump, provide a back trace. [...goes on...]
> ====================================

Well, my question was not as much about this crash (I opened a bug
report in mozilla bugzilla, btw) as about why the theme switch happens
in first place and how to counter that.

>> To sum this up: I didn't have this problem when I had GNOME 2.16 and
>> also had the following line in my .gtkrc-2.0:
>> include "/usr/local/share/themes/Mist/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
>> Not sure which one was more important, but I guess that having that
>> include ensured that GTK theme was always the same.
>> Ideally it would be nice to have all issues described here resolved:
>> 1. unnecessary GTK theme switch
>> 2. thunderbird crash on GTK theme switch
>> 3. gnome-settings-daemon crash on thunderbird crash

Andriy Gapon

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