In cairo, implicit depenencies on librsvg2 and/or poppler?

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Wed Dec 26 14:46:01 PST 2007

On Wed, 2007-12-26 at 13:31 -0800, Doug Barton wrote:
> I was doing some stale ports cleanup recently and deleted a bunch of
> stuff that didn't seem to be needed, including librsvg2 and poppler.
> Deleting the former caused several of my applications to no longer be
> able to display svg images. I tracked the problem down to the missing
> librsvg2 of course, but only after carefully watching the configure
> output of cairo and noticing that it gave a "can't use svg 'cuz you
> don't have librsvg2" type message. It gives a similar message for
> poppler, but AFAIK I don't actually need that.
> So, short version is that you might want to add OPTIONS for those two
> libs, and related explicit dependencies for them in the cairo Makefile.

Actually, it's not so simple.  I assume the apps that could no longer
display SVG images were GTK+ apps.  If so, they get the ability to
render SVG images from the SVG GDK image loader installed by librsvg2
(/usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/  This is a
dlopen'd library, and thus is not really a hard dependency.  It's more
along the lines of, "if you want this functionality, install this port."
Neither gtk20 or cairo can depend on librsvg2, though, or we'd have a
circular dependency (as librsvg2 needs gtk20 and gtk20 needs cairo).


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