ports/104281: Gnumeric runs off and allocates infinite memory when switching Virtual Desktops in Metacity

Jeremy Messenger mezz at FreeBSD.org
Thu Nov 30 15:25:00 PST 2006

Synopsis: Gnumeric runs off and allocates infinite memory when switching Virtual Desktops in Metacity

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: mezz
State-Changed-When: Thu Nov 30 23:24:35 UTC 2006
Pav (amd64) and I (i386) can't reproduce it, so there is not much for us to
do anything with this PR. You will have to update all installed ports to the
lastest version and figure how to debug it. If you get any useful debug info,
then please feel free to submit another new PR about it.


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