Gnome 2.14???

Stefan Vrabie stefan at
Thu Jun 1 01:13:04 PDT 2006

Hi there...

Here goes... I have FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE, fresh install without gnome or 
anything... just the core system. I want Gnome 2.14... I've had it in 
Fedora Core5, Ubuntu Dapper, and it's heaps better than Gnome 2.12...

So in a proper RTFM-ish manner I read the manual... -

Hmm, I should # pkg_add -r gnome2 ? Great... especially since the manual 
says "This will download the latest GNOME 2.14 packages from the FreeBSD 
FTP site, and proceed to install them on your system."...

But guess what.... After that was over with... I got Gnome 2.12 ??? How 
come??? Please take a moment to try and imagine the frustration.... the 
great news? to upgrade a simple portupgrade -a would do.... not much 
good, cause it would take quite some hours...

So I try again.... portsnap update, portsnap extract, portsnap update, 
portupgrade -aPP... I'm thinking maybe this will work... nope... it 

So I say to the FreeBSD-Gnome team.... How would one install Gnome 2.14? 
Or better yet, how would one upgrade Gnome 2.12 to 2.14 without 
compiling everything...? (don't get me wrong, compiling is nice, but I 
can't leave it unattended cause of all the questions, and I can't afford 
to stay and stare at my computer for hours on end).

Thank you...

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