Sound/Video in Gnome 2.14

Frank Jahnke jahnke at
Sat Jul 15 22:56:04 UTC 2006

I have at last added a sound card to my FreeBSD box, so I am trying to
get sound and video to work on Gnome 2.14.2/FreeBSD 6.1-R-P2.  So far, I
have added atapicam to the kernel, added the appropriate sound driver,
changed cd permissions so that it could be mounted by users.  Gnome-CD
and Soundjuicer work fine (and sound pretty good, all things

So far, I have been unable to get the others to work.  Jamboree crashes,
totem loads but cannot find any material to play, rhythmbox can't
initialize the scheduler (and there is no gst-register to run, as it
suggests), and goobox suggests that I need the cdparanoia gstreamer
plugin (which is installed according to gst-inspect).
gtreamer-properties shows that the audio and video output and input both
pass tests.

To me it seems like one or more setup file is not right, and these
things get so interwoven that I don't know what to do next.  Incidently,
this version of Gnome has been successively upgraded from 2.10 and
otherwise works well.

Suggestions would be most appreciated.  I'll provide more information if
you point me to what you are looking for.


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