Problems compiling gnome2

ToomanySecrets toomany at
Wed Jul 5 11:49:33 UTC 2006


In the attempt of compile gnome2 from ports in a FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE, i
cannot finalize the job because in the part of "gstreamer/totem" the
process abort with an error.

Here it is all the information about:

Please, could you help me please? And excuse me my bad english.

Thank you very much.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Nine megs for the secretaries fair,
Seven megs for the hackers scarce,
Five megs for the grads in smoky lairs,
Three megs for system source;

One disk to rule them all,
One disk to bind them,
One disk to hold the files
And in the darkness grind 'em.

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