HEADS UP: Dropping support for GNOME on FreeBSD 4.X

Jimmie James jimmiejaz at gmail.com
Wed May 18 17:51:46 PDT 2005

Great. :(

Unfortunatly, I can't update to 5.x untill I get a new system.  I've
tried every 5.x release since about 4.4, and not one will install

>FreeBSD 4.X is dead, developmentwise. 
If "FreeBSD 4.X is dead", then why is it still being prompted on the site?
Wasn't there just a flurry of USB commits for the 4.x branch? 

>Bug reports will be entertained on a per-port basis.  Some ports may
>continue to see life on 4.X provided they build and are functional.
>This will be left up to the maintainer's discretion, of course.

That says to me, when remote vuln's creap in, all the 4.x users are
going to be exploited,  and there's nothing we'll be able to do, but
to lose out, or become part of a botnet.

Considering E.O.L of 4.11 is January 31, 2007, I think this is unreasonable.

>More and more ports break with GCC 2.x.
More and more ports have build depends of GCC 3.x, I don't see how GCC
2.x factors into this choice.

</rant>  <!--Sorry -->

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