gdesklets-0.31.1 - question before send-pr

Franz Klammer klammer at
Sun Nov 14 08:49:35 PST 2004

Pav Lucistnik wrote:

>Franz Klammer píše v ne 14. 11. 2004 v 16:59 +0100:
>>gdesklets-0.31.1 is out. this version do not install gdesklets-core.pc but
>>many desklets use this file with RUN_DEPENDS.
>>how should i deal with this? install a dummy .pc file and send out a
>>heads-up that this is only a workaround and will be removed later?
>Does the desklets use it for any functionality, or it's just that ports
>Makefiles have it in DEPENDS lines?

just depends - didn't see any desklet that need it. think that the 
reason why the file
will not installed any longer.

>If it's the second variant, don't bother, we'll just change all those
>DEPENDS lines.
that's good to read :-)
pr sent.

judst for info: tested this version with sysinfo (still the old problem 
with uptime), corner-xmms,
tasklist, rssgrap and clock. the only desklet that i can't start was 
clock.  maybe there are some
other desklets that als have some problems.


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