new look?

Randy Bush randy at
Tue Nov 9 13:56:57 PST 2004

> I read your initial email wrong.  I thought you said the splashscreen
> was no different.

nope.  got new splash.

i blew away the old config and started from scratch.  same problems;

  o StartHere gives me an empty browser.  i.e. no Applications or
    anything so i can muck with my panel/fave/menu

  o somewhere toward the end of the gnome startup, it's losing the
    xrdb data and, after gnome starts, i have to reload it to get
    the window resources correct for new windows

  o seahorse crashes when i tell it to sign a key, but that's a
    seahorse of a different color and i'll get a dump etc and
    report later.  it's been that way for many months.

but the first two are a pita.


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