Gnome 2.6 Upgrade fails

Simon Barner barner at
Sat May 22 03:53:11 PDT 2004


> Listed below is the file /var/tmp/gnome_upgrade_log.ih1JAQ its not very
> big.  It looks like this failed - net/openldap20-client
> (openldap-client-2.0.27_1):-

> --->  Checking the package registry database
> Stale origin: 'net/openldap20-client': perhaps moved or obsoleted.
> -> The port 'net/openldap20-client' was removed on 2004-05-03 because:
>         "removed EOL version of OpenLDAP"
> -> Hint:  openldap-client-2.0.27_1 is required by the following
> package(s):
>         gnome2-2.4.0
>         gnomemeeting-0.98.5
>         portupgrade-20040325_1
>         gnome2-2.4.2
>         gnupg-1.2.4_1
> -> Hint: checking for overwritten files...
>  -> No files installed by openldap-client-2.0.27_1 have been overwritten
> by other packages.
> Deinstall openldap-client-2.0.27_1 ? [no] Duplicated origin:

I think you will have to answer yes here.

> sysutils/gnomecontrolcenter2 - acme-2.4.2_1 gnomecontrolcenter2-2.4.0_1
> Unregister any of them? [no]

-> yes
>   Unregister acme-2.4.2_1 keeping the
> installed files intact? [no] 

-> yes

>  -> gnomecontrolcenter2-2.4.0_1 is kept.
>   --> Saving the acme-2.4.2_1's +CONTENTS file as
> /var/db/pkg/gnomecontrolcenter2-2.4.0_1/+CONTENTS.acme-2.4.2_1
>   --> Unregistering acme-2.4.2_1
>   --> Done.
> Duplicated origin: x11/gnome2 - gnome2-2.4.0 gnome2-2.4.2
> Unregister any of them? [no]

-> yes
>   Unregister gnome2-2.4.0 keeping the
> installed files intact? [no]

-> yes
>   -> gnome2-2.4.2 is kept.  --> Saving the
> gnome2-2.4.0's +CONTENTS file as
> /var/db/pkg/gnome2-2.4.2/+CONTENTS.gnome2-2.4.0
>   --> Unregistering gnome2-2.4.0
> [Updating the pkgdb <format:bdb1_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 298
> packages found (-2 +0) (...) done]
>   --> Done.
> Stale dependency: evolution-1.4.6_1 -> openldap-client-2.1.30
> (net/openldap21-client):
> openldap-client-2.0.27_1 (score:76%) ? ([y]es/[n]o/[a]ll) [no] Fixed.

-> all

> (-> openldap-client-2.0.27_1)
> Stale dependency: gnome2-2.4.2 -> acme-2.4.2_1
> (sysutils/gnomecontrolcenter2):

here you should press CTRL+D, and choose acme* as dependecy (type acme-
and hit TAB serveral times).

> Fixed. (-> gnomecontrolcenter2-2.4.0_1)

To make a long story short: It seems that you have answered no to all of
pkgdb's questions (if that isn't the case, and I misinterpreted the log,
please accept my appologies...!)

So, just re-run the gnome upgrade script, and fix your pkgdb database,
and you should be fine.

If you still have troubles, feel free to ask me.

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