Galeon with recent mozilla-devel fails to compile

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Fri May 21 16:28:18 PDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-05-21 at 07:05, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Hi,
> here's the failure message:
> ---snip---
> mozilla-embed-persist.cpp: In function `gresult impl_save(GaleonEmbedPersist*)':
> mozilla-embed-persist.cpp:197: error: cannot allocate an object of type `GProgressListener'
> mozilla-embed-persist.cpp:197: error:   because the following virtual functions    are abstract:
> /usr/X11R6/include/mozilla-devel/uriloader/nsIDownload.h:65: error:     virtual    nsresult nsITransfer::Init(nsIURI*, nsIURI*, const PRUnichar*, nsIMIMEInfo*,    long long int, nsIWebBrowserPersist*)
> /usr/X11R6/include/mozilla-devel/uriloader/nsIDownload.h:71: error:     virtual    nsresult nsITransfer::GetSource(nsIURI**)
> /usr/X11R6/include/mozilla-devel/uriloader/nsIDownload.h:77: error:     virtual    nsresult nsITransfer::GetTarget(nsIURI**)
> /usr/X11R6/include/mozilla-devel/uriloader/nsIDownload.h:87: error:     virtual    nsresult nsITransfer::GetPersist(nsIWebBrowserPersist**)
> /usr/X11R6/include/mozilla-devel/uriloader/nsIDownload.h:93: error:     virtual    nsresult nsITransfer::GetPercentComplete(PRInt32*)
> /usr/X11R6/include/mozilla-devel/uriloader/nsIDownload.h:99: error:     virtual    nsresult nsITransfer::GetDisplayName(PRUnichar**)
> /usr/X11R6/include/mozilla-devel/uriloader/nsIDownload.h:100: error:    virtual    nsresult nsITransfer::SetDisplayName(const PRUnichar*)
> /usr/X11R6/include/mozilla-devel/uriloader/nsIDownload.h:106: error:    virtual    nsresult nsITransfer::GetStartTime(PRInt64*)
> /usr/X11R6/include/mozilla-devel/uriloader/nsIDownload.h:114: error:    virtual    nsresult nsITransfer::GetMIMEInfo(nsIMIMEInfo**)
> /usr/X11R6/include/mozilla-devel/uriloader/nsIDownload.h:121: error:    virtual    nsresult nsITransfer::GetListener(nsIWebProgressListener**)
> [...]
> ---snip---
> I assume we have to wait for a new galeon version, but just in case
> someone want's to try this combination he knows now he has to wait.

Yeah, there was a substantial API change here, and it would be best to
wait for the next Galeon release at this point.


> Bye,
> Alexander.
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