ports that depends on OpenLDAP 2.0

Oliver Eikemeier eikemeier at fillmore-labs.com
Mon Feb 16 06:06:00 PST 2004

The following ports depend on OpenLDAP 2.0, which is scheduled to be removed
from the ports tree May 2004:

gnome at FreeBSD.org
- mail/balsa: balsa-1.4.4_1

hadara at bsd.ee
- security/opensc-esteid: opensc-esteid-

lioux at FreeBSD.org
- mail/qmail-ldap: qmail-ldap2-with_tls-1.03.20020901

mjoyner at hq.dyns.cx
- net/yptransitd: yptransitd-0.5_1

ports at FreeBSD.org
- net/ldapdiff: ldapdiff-0.9.0
- www/auth_ldap: auth_ldap-1.6.0_3

roman at xpert.com
- net/gq: gq-0.6.0_2

Please USE_OPENLDAP and respect the default in bsd.port.mk (or set by the
user on the command line, in pkgtools.conf or make.conf)


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